Nos Estados Unidos usa-se a palavra MOVIE de origem MOVE do verbo MUDAR, MOVER-SE ou substantivo MOVIMENTO. Fazendo óbvia referência ao movimento da película ou do fotograma que dá a impressão de movimento na tela do cinema.
Entre no site e click nas bandeiras bem ao lado da palavra e você terá as pronúncias americana e britânica.
A sétima art, como o cinema ou film é conhecido, é uma excellent ferramenta para entertain, inform e educate – uma art que represent a vida.
The Seventh Art
Auguste Lumière was the early film maker who, with his brother Louis, organized the first public performance of motion pictures in December 1895.
The cinema is considered to be officially born on December 28th 1895. That day the Lumière Brothers showed, in a public session, their films to the spectators of the Living room Indien of Paris.
In one of their first films, “The arrival of a train to the station of Ciotat" – , the effect of a locomotive about to leave the screen was enormous. The apparatus with which they got it was called the cinematograph.
The movies or films that they always saw were made daily about labour or family life. And it was the magic and the imagination of another man, Georges Méliès that saved the cinema of ending up as an ordinary invention of that time. Méliès made people’s dreams come true, when showing them in the images represented on a screen.
Finally, the fantasy could fly through light. Méliès is the first inventor of fictions and what it is more, of science-fiction. "Travel to the Moon" (1902) and “Travel through the impossible thing" (1904) are among the best samples of the inventor’s genious. Watch the Lumière's film
As the movies were silent, some under image labels were used to explain the action or the dialogues in the scenes. And, sometimes, a pianist placed the music Turing the show.
However, it was in the USA where the invention was fully expoited. In 1903, with “Assault and robbery of a train", Edwin Porter inaugurated the western cinema which was made through simultaneous assembly.
The spectators began to learn a new language, the film one: they learnt how to relate the images understanding that they keep a relationship of continuity. And the base of this new language was the assembly.
As it became a great popular show overcoming social and idiomatic barriers, business enters the action. With the purpose to monopolize the film market and to put an end to their competitors, Edison sent his lawyers against the exploiters of film apparatuses. It was the war of the patents (1897-1906) that, after a time of processes, closings of rooms, confiscation of apparatuses and violence, made Edison win.
It affected negatively the independent producers, who escaped from the inventor-dealer, and settled in western America in California, where Hollywood was founded. Here the big producers made the American cinema history to flourish.
For further information
Sempre me perguntam se assistir à filmes é bom para treinar o idioma. Sim, mas há filmes que ajudam e outros que confundem. Como por exemplo os filmes de ação que tem muita correria, gritaria, tiros, carros em alta velocidade e pouco diálogo. A não ser que você queira aprender um pouco de gíria e palavrão!
O tipo de filme ideal para quem precisa treinar o ouvido é o mais calmo, com teor socio-político ou romântico(já estou até vendo alguns torcendo o nariz!) Mas lembre-se do seu objetivo - aprender, treinar para o seu desenvolvimento no idioma e se for divertido, melhor ainda!
Ah, é bom assistir filmes ou vídeos clips/musicais com legendas em inglês.
Tem esse filme, uma aventura romântica, que um amigo inglês assistiu e deu esse depoimento.
'We watched a Hollywood film last night called The Holiday about two couples engaged in long distance relationships. It was a Hollywood movie so everything worked out well!!! lol.
My sister's partner said(about the girl played by Diaz - who was anxious about it not working out!)"The glass is always half full with her" .
His way of suggesting that she was a pessimist. Hmmmm, Well it all worked out well as it always does in the movies.'
The End
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